четверг, 24 апреля 2008 г.

Break Free from the Tyranny of the Clock All We Need is Love? Wrong! Here are 6 Ways to Improve your Relationship

Break Free from the Tyranny of the Clock
Don’t eat on the clock.
Don’t work on the clock.
Do fewer things.
A more relaxed schedule.
Meditate and/or exercise.
Take naps
Learn to listen to your intuition.
Take time to talk and connect
Spend time on the important things


All We Need is Love? Wrong! Here are 6 Ways to Improve your Relationship
'All you need is love'.
Give exactly what you want to get
Remember your partner is not a band-aid
Being in a relationship never made anyone blind
Say what you mean, mean what you say
Guys, you too - communication is KEY to a good relationship
Always assume your partner's intentions are good
Remember the virtues of friendship
Make your partner your best friend

Down Fast. In today’s hectic, multi-tasking society it can be difficult to maintain your focus on a project. We become easily distracted by m
Better Time Management Through Better Focus
Keep a Calendar
One thing at a time
Control your thoughts
Have a Plan

When you get up, right after you eat your breakfast, do this push up routine:
Muster up some will, get down and pump out as many push ups as you can do.
Wait 30 seconds
Pump out more push ups (again as many as you can do)
Wait 30 seconds
Pump out more pushups (again as many as you can do and don't hold back… really push it!)

lished survey results revealing that most workers have strong negative emotions t
Is it Smart to Trade Time for Money?
You can move inexorably toward freedom from this folly by starting now
Develop the habit to experience enough in life. By feeling you have enough food, house, car and clothes, you can repel thoughts of more to break the never-ending cycle that enslaves you to trade time for more money to sustain your life-style.

Start investing 20 percent of your income into tax-free investments. For example, if you stash away 20 percent for investing in mutual funds, a Roth IRA, or real estate, you'll make your money work for you. With the law of compounding interest, someday you'll break the despair of the job you hate.

When you work for yourself, you'll benefit from all your gains, and you'll suffer from all of your follies. You become the controller of your destiny rather than being controlled by your miseries. You'll experience energy and passion that you've never felt before.

Risk is an abstract term. Nothing is riskier than to allow navigation of your lifeboat by someone who has their own interests at heart. Once you overcome the fear of shaping your own future, you'll find that your lifeboat needs you at the helm. There is no risk when no one can fire you.

The apathy for quitting a job that you hate stems from the comfort that you feel every time you receive a paycheck from your employer. The fact is that, an apathy can be transmuted into an empathy by the cognizance that, you are working for money and with liberation soon in sight, money will work for you.



сегодня соревнования, хорошо выспался=)

даже я не знаю, как успеть.. =)

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