The Magical Power of Focus
Focus on a GoalEven with only one goal, maintaining focus can be difficult. You need to find ways to keep your focus on that goal. Some good examples that work for me:
Read about your goal as much as possible, on websites and blogs and in books and magazines.
Post up reminders on your wall, refrigerator, and computer desktop.
Send yourself reminders using an online calendar or reminder service.
Tell as many people as possible about it, and post your progress on your blog.
Have a time each day to work on the goal, with a reminder in your schedule each day.
Maintain your focus on your goal, and you’ve won half the battle in achieving it.
Focus on NowA Simple Guide to Being Present for the Overworked and Overwhelmed
5 Inspirations for Being in the Moment
Practical Tips to Practice Being Present
Focus on the Task at Hand
Focus on the Positive
12 Essential Rules to Live More Like a Zen Monk
Do one thing at a time.
Do it slowly and deliberately
Do it completely.
Do less.
Put space between things.
Develop rituals.
Designate time for certain things.
Devote time to sitting.
Smile and serve others
Make cleaning and cooking become meditation.
Think about what is necessary
Live simply.
18 Five-Minute Decluttering Tips to Start Conquering Your Mess
Designate a spot for incoming papers.
Start clearing a starting zone.
Clear off a counter.
Pick a shelf
Schedule a decluttering weekend.
Pick up 5 things, and find places for them
Spend a few minutes visualizing the room.
Create a “maybe” box.
Put a load in your car for charity.
Create a 30-day list
Teach your kids where things belong
Set up some simple folders.
Learn to file quickly.
Pull out some clothes you don’t wear
Clear out your medicine cabinet.
Pull everything out of a drawer
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