четверг, 31 января 2008 г.

Destroy Your Stress

Symptoms of Physical Stress (Behavioral)
• Lack of sleep and/or poor sleep
• Over/Under eating
• Aggressive behavior (can you say, "road rage"?)
• Nervous habits (pacing, nail biting)
Symptoms of Mental Stress (Cognitive)
• Impaired Memory
• Lack of Clarity
• Deteriorated Judgment
• Scattered Thoughts/Racing Thoughts

Stress Busters For Your Body

Stress Busters For Your Diet
Reduce Caffeine
Reduce Alcohol
Camomile Tea

Stress Busters In Your Environment
Look Inward
Get Organized

оплатил нужные платежи
завершили проект с сантехникой



очень краткое пособие по бизнес плану

Бизнес-план - это документ, который описывает все основные аспекты будущего предприятия, анализирует все проблемы, с которыми оно может столкнуться, а также определяет способы решения этих проблем.
Зачем нужен бизнес-план?
1. Для внешнего использования. Чтобы представить дело в наиболее выгодном свете людям извне, например, инвесторам.
2. Для внутреннего пользования. Здесь дело представляется со всеми сильными и слабыми сторонами. Этот бизнес-план используется постоянно как инструмент управления.

решаемые задачи:
1. Изучить емкость и перспективность развития будущего рынка сбыта;
2. Оценить затраты для производства нужной рынку продукции, соизмерить их с ценами, по которым можно будет продавать свои товары, чтобы определить потенциальную прибыльность дела;
3. Обнаружить всевозможные "подводные" камни, подстерегающие новое дело в первые годы его реализации;
4. Определить те показатели, по которым можно будет регулярно контролировать состояние дел.

Разработка бизнес-плана
1. Определение цели написания бизнес-плана. (проблемы,которые будут решены)
2. Четкое определение круга читателей бизнес-плана.(внутренние и внешнее (банкиры, акционеры)
3. Сбор информации, необходимой для написания бизнес-плана.
4. Выбор структуры бизнес-плана и непосредственное написание текста пояснительной записки.
( * разработка бизнес-плана - длительный и трудоемкий процесс, что требует сосредоточения усилий всего персонала компании. Процесс разработки профессионально выполненного бизнес-плана занимает много времени и требует привлечения, как правило, нескольких квалифицированных специалистов;
* процесс принятия решения (время с момента подачи бизнес-плана на рассмотрение до принятия кредитором либо инвестором решения) о финансировании проекта требует довольно больших затрат времени.)

Приблизительная структура бизнес-плана
Универсальной основой любого бизнес-плана, на которую могут накладываться различные дополнительные аспекты, являются следующие разделы:

I. Краткое описание проекта.
* цель проекта,
* структуру,
* финансовые потребности и преимущества проекта,
* график возврата заемных средств,
* резюме
(В резюме для того, чтобы заинтересовать потенциального партнера, необходимо доказать, что именно его дело будет иметь успех.)

* полное название и адрес предприятия;
* спонсоры проекта - фамилии людей, привлеченных к проекту и их координаты;
* место расположения;
* суть предлагаемого проекта (несколько фраз относительно цели проекта);
* обоснование проекта (кратко пояснить, почему проект будет иметь экономический резон);
* прогнозируемые финансовые результаты (описание общей стоимости проекта, ожидаемых результатов проекта и сроков погашения займов);
* краткое описание рынка (описание рыночных возможностей, которые будет использовать Ваш проект и главный аргумент - почему проект будет успешным, несмотря на имеющиеся товары и услуги, удовлетворяющие потребности избранного сегмента рынка).

II. Описание компании (предприятия)
Общее описание компании и ее коммерческой деятельности.
Управленческий аппарат и персонал.
Основные группы производимых продуктов и услуг.
Структура и производство компании.
Производство компании.
Финансовое состояние предприятия.
Необходимо подчеркнуть самые сильные стороны компании и ее слабые стороны, возможные пути их устранения.

III. Анализ рынка.
четыре этапа:

* определение необходимой информации для анализа;
* поиск и сбор данных;
* анализ данных;
* план мероприятий, позволяющих использовать эти данные.

требует комплексного рассмотрения следующих вопросов:

* определение круга потребителей, прогноз их платежеспособного спроса;
* прогноз цен;
* прогноз объемов реализации;
* изучение динамики продажи в отрасли;
* изучение возможностей, преимуществ, недостатков потенциальных конкурентов, резервов их опережения;
* сколько новых фирм возникло в этой отрасли за последние годы;
* количество новых продуктов, вышедших на рынок;
* анализ возможностей и угроз рынка.

Описание рынка.
Тенденции рынка.

IV. Проект.
убедить инвестора в том, что:

Описание проекта
* проект имеет смысл;
* проект будет приносить прибыль;
* Вы хорошо знаете ту сферу, в которой намерены работать;
* Вы продумали все факторы, влияющие на проект;
* Ваш действующий бизнес пребывает в удовлетворительном состоянии;
* Вы не забываете об интересах партнеров и инвесторов.

Описание и логическое обоснование проекта.
Назначение средств и источники финансирования проекта.
Дайте краткое описание стоимости проекта по таким категориям:

* новые закупки (земля, помещения и сооружения, включая транспортирование, страхование, установку и строительство);
* улучшение инфраструктуры;
* увеличение оборотных средств (начальные расходы, дополнительные запасы сырья и готовых изделий, новые административные расходы и расходы на маркетинг и сбыт);
* непредвиденные расходы проекта (приблизительно 15-20% суммы первых трех категорий расходов).

* собственные денежные средства компании (наличные и планируемые);
* внешнее финансирование (денежные и товарные кредиты, инвестиции).

Условия финансирования и залог.
Прибыльность проекта.
Отчет о доходах
инамика изменения основных финансовых коэффициентов
Расчет точки безубыточности проекта

V. План внедрения проекта.
подробный пошаговый план осуществления проекта. Этот план целесообразно изложить в виде таблицы.
В этом плане необходимо указать все ключевые события, являющиеся залогом успешного осуществления проекта, например, срок подписания договора о предоставлении кредита, срок получения первого транша и др.

Необходимо также определить любое внешнее влияние фактора времени на проект (например, задаток теряется, либо полная выплата не получена на протяжении определенного периода времени).

VI. Приложения.
полные резюме менеджменту компании; копии финансовых отчетов компании; рекомендательные письма от кредиторов, у которых компания ранее получала кредиты; копии договоров, связанных с реализацией проекта; копии лицензий, авторских свидетельств и др.

Самостоятельная разработка бизнес-плана
Предпроектное исследование.
Экспертиза проекта

Рекомендуемая структура бизнес-плана

1. Введение
2. Краткое описание
3. Бизнес и его общая стратегия
4. Маркетинговый анализ и маркетинговая стратегия
5. Производство и эксплуатация
6. Управление и процесс принятия решений
7. Финансы
8. Факторы риска
9. Приложение 1. Примеры коэффициентов
10. Приложение 2. Глоссарий




среда, 30 января 2008 г.

10 Tips For A Good Night’s Sleep Without Pills, How to Make Yourself INSANELY Useful

How Productivity Habits Reduced the Impact of Theft … Twice
No data on laptops
Synchronize electronic devices
Carry only what you need
Skills are more important than notes
Imagine your bag being stolen right now

Lazy Productivity: 10 Simple Ways to Do Only Three
Things Today
Choose only three things to do today.
Choose for impact, not urgency
Choose them the night before
Start on them immediately
Don't check email until the first one's done.
Choose a fourth, more important task to procrastinate on.
Take breaks in between.
When you're done, celebrate with a nap
Batch process smaller tasks
What if you need to do more?
Just choose three and put the rest off until tomorrow


10 Tips For A Good Night’s Sleep Without Pills
Sleep only at night
Stick to a schedule.
Taking a hot shower
Avoid eating just before bed.
Avoid caffeine.
Read a fiction book.
Have the room slightly cooler
Sleep in silence.
Avoid alcohol before bedtime.

How to Make Yourself INSANELY Useful
Share what you know
Be confident in yourself
Solve the current problem
Give willingly — even when it’s your job
Satisfy your own curiosity
Listen to others
Don’t take over
Know when to stop
Teach, don’t tell
Be sensitive to people’s feelings and shortcomings
Ask for help
Model best practices
Be reliable
. People that are insanelyuseful are in high demand by the companies they work for, the organizations they take part in, the clients they serve, their friends and family, and society in general because they not only solve problems and make things work but they add value to every relationship they take part in.

12 Techniques to Help You Live a Happy and Fulfilled Life
Keep life simple
Practice being satisfied
Beware of indecision
Practice cheerfulness
Learn to like people
Live and let live
Adversity teaches
Don’t take yourself so seriously
Have a sense of humor
Practice objectivity
Tolerate your own mistakes
Forgive yourself

проводил одного из лучших друзей в Америку
втретил одного интересного человека
сделал чатсь рбаоты по сантехнике
начал изучать autocad
перенес большую чатсь файлов
встретился с Милой и класно провел время
помог одной хорошей знакомой паре (в качестве сексолога)

не прочитал запланированную книгу
потерял время из-зи неорганизованной работы сантехника
друг, это тот, кого ты будешь помнить хорошо всю жизнь, и рад будешь увидеть в любую минуту...
одному из своих лучших друзей, в последнем послении в РБ я написал:
4 слова: Счастье, деньги, успех, спокойствий . (пусть будут все)
никогда не сдавайся
имей свое мнение
помни,что ты всегда можешь обратиться к друзьям за помощью и получишь её.
другу от друга

воскресенье, 27 января 2008 г.

хороший выходной и начало активности

утрам пришел с клуба, классно посидели с друзьями,хорошо отдохнул.
Вечером с братом и отцом пошли в кино на Рэмбо 4, жестоко,но
зато потом поиграи все вместе в снежки=)

настоил CS для игры с братом
сходил в кино семьей
передвинули диван
реоганизовали зал
занимался саморазвитием
tutorials (наконец-то)
долго спал
день прошел не зря

суббота, 26 января 2008 г.

недавно нашел интересное предложение о работе

Добрый день, опишу для вас все подробнее ниже.
о вас узнал, читаю форум onliner.by
Вам нужен энергичный,способный,активный сотрдник,который умеет бртаь отвественность на себя и сам справляться со сложными проблемами без переспрашивания вас по по 10 раз, не "воруя" всё ваше время на переспросы, тогда вам нужно прочитаь письмо подробнее и найти все интересующее вас.

Почему вы заинтересуйтесь мной?
1) это не будет стандартный сухим резюме (хотя основные правила я постараюсь соблюдать)
2) я соотвествую все вашим требованиям
3) я хочу работать, мне это интересно
4) я заинтересован в продвижении, а не монотонной работе на всю жизнь со стандартной з/п

а теперь обо мне ( четко и информативно):

Гончар Александр Александрович
Мобильный телефон: +37529-3467478 (velcom)

+375295723054 (мтс)

* В 2006 годы окончил среднюю школу №32 с углубленным изучение английского языка
* Cтудент БГЭУ факультета менеджмента, специализация: «экономическая информатика» (IT-менеджер, самый престижный факультет БГЭУ) (уже вторая половина 2 курса,успешно сдавал сессии на 7-9)

Наличие трудовой книжки
Водительское удостоверение категории “B” (стаж вождения, дизель, бензин, автомат,механика)

Личные качества: презентабельность, активность, целеустремленность, коммуникабельность, мобильность, обучаемость, сообразительность, инновационность.

* Последние достижения: 1-е место на Республиканской Научной Студенческой Конференции в секции "Информационные технологии в экономике" (презентация «Электронные деньги в РБ»)
* 1-е место на соревнования БГЭУ по самбо

Языки: уверенное знание английского (в том числе и busines-english), разговорный немецкий, белорусский (перевод экономических текстов)


* Создание и администрирование студенческого форума.
* Сайт учебных материалов для университета (81%-готовности, уже есть система дневников, галерея, файловый архив, гостевая, карта сайта, оригинальный дизайн…)
* Сайт пользователей домашней сети
* создание и сопровождение беспроводный сетей на основе технологии wi-fi
* работал (строиелем,грузчиком,водителем,сборщиком мебели,организатором семинаров, помощнков мэра (летом в Германии 2005)

Что умею:

* Создание сайтов-визиток (Dreamweaver)
* Установка и администрирование сайтов компаний, новостных порталов, интернет-магазинов (OsCom,SSF,Joomla!,DLE...)
* Раскрутка и продвижение сайтов (SEO)
* Разработка дизайна сайтов, проектов
* Логотипы фирм, баннеры и другая работа с 2D графикой
* CorelDraw, Photoshop (знание основ дизайна, специфики некоторых направлений векторной и растовой графики)
* Построение локальных сетей
* Организация мероприятий
* Создание и проведение оригинальных презентаций
* создание,подготовка,редактирование документов,таблиц,данных
* правильно писать письма, приветливо общаться с людьми как по телефону, так и в жини. (посетил семинары по "телефонным разговорам" и "деловой переписке")
* полность отдавать себя делу
* правильно рассатвлять приоритеты и грамотно управлять своим и вашим временем
* профессионлаьное использование КПК (карманного компьютера)

Что ожидаю:
Интересную, перспективную работу в команде молодых, амбициозных людей, со схожими интересами, которая дала мне возможность карьерного роста, реализации себя как специалиста в выбранно отрасли.

Почему я выбрал именно ваше предложение:

1) ваше предложение соотвествует моим представления о начальной работе

2) меня заинтересовало продвижение

3) я смогу проявить себя с вашей помощь (вы поможете мне,я помогу вам)

а теперь самое интересное: мой блог по саморазвитию (в нем вы сможете найти всю дополнительную информацию, узнать о том, чем я занимаюсь, узнать много полезного об управлении временем, самоорганизации, о тех маленьких вещах,которые смогут сделеть вашу жизнь лучше)
очень прошу вас, уделить немного вашего времени и перейти по ссылке http://dmntr.blogspot.com/
время, потраченное на прочтение вами моего письма, легко окупиться, первыми 7 сообщениями моей странички)

спасибо за прочтение, прошу вас сообщить мне о прочтении письма и о дате и месте собеседования.
а еще е цитата, которую я использую в жизни:
Что бы чего-то достичь, нужно что-то делать. И никогда,никогда ни перед чем НЕ СДАВАТЬСЯ

икниги, которые я недавно прочитал:

* Аллан Пиз "как писать так, тчоб было вем понятно"
* Eiken_-_Draiv 15 novyh_pravil vesti ludei i organizacii vpered
* RichBranson "Берись и делай"
* История фрейда
* Архангельский Тайм-драйв
* Аллан Пиз "Новый язык телодвижений"
* Андреев "учись быстро читать"
* Г Олдер "NLP полное практическое руководство"
* Аллан Пиз "Язык разговора"
* Карл Сьюэлл и Пол Браун Клиенты на всю жизнь
* Дейл Карнеги. Шесть способов располагать к себе людей
* Брайан Трейси: Как Управлять Своим Временем
* NAtalyGrasy НЛП-семинар
* Бодо Шефер "первый миллион за 5 лет"




пятница, 25 января 2008 г.


Описание: Top 30 Tips for Staying Productive and Sane While Working From Home
1. Define your spaces; separate work from home
2. Set regular hours, and stick to the schedule.
3. Don’t stay unshaved in pajamas.
4. Close the door.
5. Keep your desk and general work area tidy

6. Turn off the telephone when you need to work without distraction
7. Don’t stop working if it’s a hard day.
8. Keep three lists of three
9. Start the day properly
10. Have a good chair

11. Keep a notepad and pencil nearby
12. Give yourself breaks.
13. Don’t go back to work when you’ve finished.
14. Schedule, if possible, around your natural schedule
15. Have a pint of water by your desk all the time

16. Be careful what music you listen to while you work
17. No turning on the computer for a quick email check or to do 1 little thing until you’ve gotten “ready for work” as mentioned above
18. Know when to stop.
19. Don’t work an eight hour day
20. Designate certain days for certain work

21. Set boundaries for those around you as well
23. Pay attention and crunch numbers with your accounts regularly.
22. Sound Canceling Headphones
24. Have a good lunch.
25. Track your time.

26. Set online times.
27. Don’t allow work to consume your life
28. Make time for people.
29. Say thank you a lot.
30. Be grateful you’re working from home and not in some cubicle!

встретил Саню и Колю, а еще Пашу
скачал пару хороших книг по фотошопу


среда, 23 января 2008 г.

вот,что один товаришь делает,чтобы стать лучше...
* встаю в 5 утра
* ложусь в одно и то же время
* делаю утром зарядку
* благодарю за жизнь мечты
* пишу в блог
* читаю более получаса
* пишу письма единомышленникам
* выношу мусор
* определяю лягушку на завтра
* слушаю голос тишины
* работаю над развитием положительных черт характера
* описываю мысли и эмоции в дневнике
* принимаю душ
* разбираю корзинки (GTD)
* изучаю иностранные слова
* веду себя проактивно
* встаю по будильнику, когда он лежит рядом с кроватью
* читаю блоги по развитию
* анализирую прожитый день
* чищу обувь перед выходом
* бегаю утром
* занимаюсь йогой перед сном
* записываю сны в дневнике
* приготавливаю еду на плите, а не в микроволновке
* молюсь перед сном
* представляю идеальное завтра
* делаю как минимум одно хорошее дело, о котором никто не узнает

30 Easy Ways to Save Money
Cook at home often
Make your own coffee
Brown bag lunch at least a few days a week
Make a list before going shopping
Go grocery shopping while you are in a hurry
Watch out for expiration dates on perishable goods
Buy in bulk whenever possible
Buy generic products whenever possible
Use grocery store bags to line trash cans
Consolidate and pay off debt as soon as possible
Pay your bills on time and avoid late fees
Be aware of your bank balance and avoid over draft fees
Avoid ATM fees
Avoid credit cards with annual fee
Disconnect land line if possible
Instead of buying books, borrow books from the library
If you have to buy books, check if you can buy it used
Price check before buying anything expensive
Avoid impulse buying
Bottle your own water
Avoid the vending machines
Keep your car as long as possible
Do regular scheduled maintenance on your vehicles
Avoid buying a new car
Ride your bike or carpool whenever possible
If you watch a lot of DVDs, get an online DVD store membership
If you like watching movies at the theater, go before 6:00 pm
Regulate your electric use
Plan vacations ahead of time
Finally, keep distance from lavish, high-roller friends


7 Powerful Steps to Overcoming Resistance and Actually Getting Stuff Done

1. Become aware.
2. Become a pro.
3. Be very clear, and focus
4. Clear away distractions.
5. Have a set time and place.
6. Know your motivation.
7. Just start.




сессия сдана

сегодня сдан последний экзамен по психологии.
в целом, для подготовки к экзамену хватило бы и правильно выполненных 4 тестов..
но я прочитал одиночень интересный учебник Борозиной (написан хорошо, интересно,правда слишком много вставок из стихов)
узнал много нового и интересного, от разрешения конфликтов,типосемейных отношений, до того, что при умственном труде человек становиться менее раздрожителен в шумам, а при трудовой,более злым..
итак, вперед к самосовершенствованию(про это тоже было написано)
за каникулы нужно (краткий список)
-психология достижений
-лекции Н Грэйс
-2книги Карнеги
-языкразговора, как писать, жесты (все Аллана Пиза)
-Хилла "думай и богатей"
-прослушать историю компании Нокия
-книги Трейси
-просмотреть 5 курсов видеотренингов

по компьютеру
-просмотреть 2 курса по Coreldraw x3
-2 видеокурса по photoshop CS3
-освоить основы баз данных и особенно Oracle и Deductor
-программирование на c++
-слепой метод печати
по жизни
-бегать по утрам
-управлять временем

в целом
-классно проводитьвремя с друьями и Милой.




суббота, 19 января 2008 г.

flu,maturty,successful life and so on

Do You Recognize the 7 Ingredients of Maturity?
When you see someone behaving in a manner that is unbecoming, or even juvenile, do you think to yourself, “He needs to show some maturity and stop acting like that”? But what do we mean when we say someone needs to show maturity – and even more so, are we mature in our own lives?
Maturity is the ability to control anger and settle differences without violence or destruction
Maturity is patience.
Maturity is the capacity to face unpleasantness and frustration, discomfort and defeat, without complaint or collapse.
Maturity is humility.
Maturity is the ability to make a decision and follow through.
Maturity means dependability and coming through in a crisis.
Maturity is the art of living in peace.


Stay Healthy: 9 Flu Prevention Tips
Raw garlic.
Drink plenty of fluids.
Stop Smoking.
Fruits and vegetables.
Room ventilation.
Keep the distance
Hand washing.
Avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth.
Flu vaccination
(everybody knows,but nobody does)

20 Qualities for a Successful Life
Personal integrity

10 Fail Proof Tips for Delivering a Powerful Speech
1. Condense Your Main Message.
2. Have Three Main Points
3. Include only the Most Powerful Data and Facts
4. Visual Aids.
5. Speech Outline Cue Cards.
6. Practice.
7. Release the Nerves.
8. The Pep Talk
9. Smile and Have Fun.
10. When You Can't Smile.
and just INJOY IT

Top 5 Ways to Double your Energy (Without Caffeine!)
Breath of fire: At the heart of yoga lie a set of breathing techniques designed to have very specific and, often, immediate, energetic effects on the body.
Meditate. Two things that drain your energy lightning-fast are stress and anxiety.
Improve your sleep.
Listen to high-energy music.

10 Benefits of Power Napping, and How to Do It
1. Less stress.
2. Increased alertness and productivity.
3. Improved memory and learning.
4. Good for the heart.
5. Increased cognitive functioning.
6. Get motivated to exercise.
7. Boost your creativity.
8. Make up for midnight tossing and turning.
9. Protect yourself from sleepiness.
10. Better health.

Getting the perfect nap
# The first consideration is psychological: Recognize that you’re not being lazy; napping will make you more productive and more alert after you wake up.
# Try to nap in the morning or just after lunch; human circadian rhythms make late afternoons a more likely time to fall into deep (slow-wave) sleep, which will leave you groggy.
# Avoid consuming large quantities of caffeine as well as foods that are heavy in fat and sugar, which meddle with a person’s ability to fall asleep.
# Instead, in the hour or two before your nap time, eat foods high in calcium and protein, which promote sleep.
# Find a clean, quiet place where passersby and phones won’t disturb you.
# Try to darken your nap zone, or wear an eyeshade. Darkness stimulates melatonin, the sleep- inducing hormone.
# Remember that body temperature drops when you fall asleep. Raise the room temperature or use a blanket.
# Once you are relaxed and in position to fall asleep, set your alarm for the desired duration (see below).

How long is a good nap?
# THE NANO-NAP: 10 to 20 seconds. Sleep studies haven’t yet concluded whether there are benefits to these brief intervals, like when you nod off on someone’s shoulder on the train.
# THE MICRO-NAP: two to five minutes. Shown to be surprisingly effective at shedding sleepiness.
# THE MINI-NAP: five to 20 minutes. Increases alertness, stamina, motor learning, and motor performance.
# THE ORIGINAL POWER NAP: 20 minutes. Includes the benefits of the micro and the mini, but additionally improves muscle memory and clears the brain of useless built-up information, which helps with long-term memory (remembering facts, events, and names).
# THE LAZY MAN’S NAP: 50 to 90 minutes. Includes slow-wave plus REM sleep; good for improving perceptual processing; also when the system is flooded with human growth hormone, great for repairing bones and muscles.

50 Simple Ways To Stay Productive
50. Stay focused on what you are doing.
49. Utilize and divide your time for each task in hand.
48. Analyze the outcome of your effort and decide accordingly how much time you need to spend.
47. Take a break.
46. Spend time with your loved ones and refresh your mind.
45. Share ideas with others and soak their criticism.
44. Keep your home office out of sight from your bedroom.
43. Invest in comfortable workspace furniture.
42. Meditate and relax your mind.
41. Are you a day person or night? Plan accordingly so you can get the maximum output from yourself.
40. Work slow but steady.
39. Ask for help when needed.
38. De-clutter your workspace.
37. Back up your data.
36. Keep a wrist massager next to the computer.
35. Check your email not more than twice a day.
34. Exercise.
33. Use the morning air or evening breeze to cool off your mind.
32. Set goals not a goal and work accordingly.
31. Have everything you need ready for whatever you are working on.
30. Have stationeries like pen, paper ready. Although you might be using the computer you never know when you are going to need them.
29. Shut the room door to block distraction.
28. Set limits for yourself.
27. Plan a to do list for each day and follow.
26. Read books on subjects that interests you to refresh your mind.
25. Walk, do not try to run with your project.
24. Stay informed on current news. Sometimes these can be a great source of information on something you are working on.
23. Instead of thinking why your life is so hard, think how you can change it for better.
22. Find others that might share similar interest to work with you.
21. Do something else every 30 to 40 minutes to refresh your mind and body.
20. Take a nice warm bath, it’s amazing what it can do to you.
19. Use a table lamp instead of overhead lighting to keep you focused on one thing.
18. Do not take phone calls unless it is related to your productivity for that particular project.
17. Divide your time between family and projects.
16. Give more time to family and get more peace of mind.
15. Keep it cool.
14. Don’t panic, it won’t happen overnight.
13. Find what others have done in related fields and learn.
12. Ask yourself questions, lot of them.
11. Let everybody at home know you will be working between so and so time.
10. Do not stress.
9. Love what you are doing.
8. Be Passionate about what you are doing.
7. Give yourself credit for what you do.
6. Look in the mirror and compliment yourself, just say “God, you are good looking !”
5. Build confidence in yourself.
4. Keep a positive attitude.
3. Forget about what others are doing, you do it your way.
2. Productivity lies within you. Know yourself first.
1. Read > Learn > Ask and Apply! Stay productive.

What’s Stopping You from Getting Started (and What to Do About It)
Lack of financial security
Lack of confidence in your plan
Lack of confidence in yourself
Too much on your plate already
Don’t know how to do it
Can’t seem to focus
Don’t know where to begin
Lack of resources
Lack of emotional support
Fear of success

A Guide to Cutting Back When You Feel Overwhelmed

How to Cut Back
1. Step back.
2. List everything.
3. Set limits.
4. Prioritize.
5. Eliminate
6. Renegotiate commitments.
7. Take time off.
8. Create the ideal workday.

got up at 7
visited book exabition
have found missed number of my favourity magazine
bought the first present for my Darling
want to sleep

пятница, 18 января 2008 г.

4:0 или почти все сдано

при ответе, стоит учитывать не толкьо сколько вы знайте незнайте, но и настроение преподавателя и главное, кт оперед вами шел... потому,что если будет человек ,которы ответил все,включая половику стат сборника нац статистики, то ваши шансы на высокую оценку очень малы..
сегодня расслаблюсь, завтра день саморазвития и друзей..
я люблю жизнь
я люблю ЕЁ
я люблю, да я люблю жизнь и это могут сказат ьне многие=)




вторник, 15 января 2008 г.


сессия. Каждый день стараюсь вставать в 9 часов, но иногда просыпаю, сдал еще макроэкономику.. 7, не смотря н аполный ответ и высокий рейтинг..ну, было у неё в начале экзамена плохое настроение..
даже,если бы ответил весь стат сборник и паруучебников, то было бы 8..так что не переживаю..
немного не понимаю,почему тем,кто шёл в конце слабо все зная получил 8, а мы в начале 6,7 и тд.. обидно,авто не выпрашивал оценку.
осталась экологи (нужно знтаь конспект и словарь терминов)
а еще психология (подготовиться к тесту и почитать учебник)



если,чтобы начать что-то делать вы детеомнта или случая, то это не правильно.
Если ничег он еделать этот случай никогда не наступит,
если вы хотите,чтобы этот случай наступил-действуй,сдлеай все,чтобы этот момента наступил.
лучше плохо начинать,чем хорошо ничего не делать.

четверг, 10 января 2008 г.

Coffe and energy zappers

What You Didn’t Know About the World’s Top Three Productivity-Enhancing Drugs
#1 productivity-enhancing drug: COFFEE
• Drip coffee: 115–175 mg
• Espresso: 40 mg
• Brewed/Pressed: 80–135 mg
• Instant: 65–100 mg
• Decaf, brewed: 3–4 mg
• Decaf, instant: 2–3 mg
#2 productivity-enhancing drug: COCA-COLA
#3 productivity-enhancing drug: TEA

10 Worst Energy Zappers
1. Lack of Sleep.
It needs to be a priority and you need to muster up the proper motivation to make it happen.
wake at the same time each day, but go to sleep when you're tired
2. Sugar. Avoid it.
Most fruits naturally have both the sweetness and the fiber.
3. Caffeine
. It's simply the laws of physics. For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.
Initially you will see a kick of energy from caffeine
, but everyone pays the price later in terms of tiredness, insomnia, or irritability
4. Lack of Exercise. If you don't use it, you lose it. Your muscles store and therefore provide energy. Exercise gives you energy especially if you do it on a regular basis. Shoot for 20-30 minutes everyday to improve your energy levels
5. Not Enough Oxygen. Many of us have shallow breathing most of the time.
Deep breathing will serve another important purpose and that is moving fluids through the lymph system.
6. Processed Foods. The more live foods you eat, fruits and vegetables, the more alive you will feel. Seek to eat healthy foods
7. Dehydration. This is an often overlooked cause of fatigue. When you don't get enough water, bloodflow to your organs, including your brain, is slowed down making you tired. At a minimum, be sure to at least drink enough water to replace what you lose through your daily activities.
8. Stress. Life is stressful by definition, but for many of us, we make it worse by overfilling our schedules. Instead, stop trying to do it all.
9. Chronic Pain. Daily pain can take the form of debilitating back pain or as simple as chronic foot pain from wearing tight shoes
Pay attention to your body to identify any pain you are experiencing on a daily basis and come up with a plan to alleviate it
10. Toxic People. People who are negative can rob some of your energy too if you let them. There are a few actions you can take. Spend as little time as possible with negative people.




экзамены и друзья..

E hfзных людей разные ценности в этоммире, но иногда люди слишком много значения придает одним, забывая про другие.
Я понимаю,что для каждого человека, его проблема намного важнее глобального потепления и голода в Африке..
Некоторые люди предают огромное значение учебе..я придаю огромноезначение тому, тчобы научиться чему-то новому, полезномуинтересному, ценному...
но загвоздка в том, что в университете тебя неучат чему-то такому,что тебе толком не нужно, устареле, не актуально,глупо, а оценивают чащепамять а не ум..
так что не этой учебестоит предовать значение...
а еще, если ты кому-то что-то пообещал,то нужно сделать
а еще, если ты кому-то что-то объесняешь,то запомнишь, точно. (тебе польза)
для меня друзья важнее всекой учебы и так далее..
выучить можно всегда, а друзей потерять- навсегда

разобралсяи сдал "теорию вероятности"-8
разобралсяи сдал "производственныетехнологии"-8
классно проводил время с Милой
сегодня после экзамена по ПТ плавал в бассейне и был в сауне.. супер
увидел старых друзей
открыл для себя новые цели и приоритеты. (универ-не главное)

друзья познаються в беде

воскресенье, 6 января 2008 г.

10 Golden Lessons from Albert Einstein

10. The important thing is not to stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existing
9. You have to learn the rules of the game. And then you have to play better than anyone else.
8. In order to be an immaculate member of a flock of sheep, one must above all be a sheep oneself.
7. When I examine myself and my methods of thought, I come to the conclusion that the gift of fantasy has meant more to me than any talent for abstract, positive thinking.
6. There are two ways to live: you can live as if nothing is a miracle; you can live as if everything is a miracle.
5. The value of a man should be seen in what he gives and not in what he is able to receive. Try not to become a man of success, but rather try to become a man of value.
4. The secret to creativity is knowing how to hide your sources.
3. I am enough of an artist to draw freely upon my imagination. Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world.
2. Education is what remains after one has forgotten what one has learned in school.
1. A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new.

How to Use a Todo List to Make 2008 Your Best Year Ever
, in the end the single most productive tool we can use boils down to a list of crap we need to do
the main reason most people fail, get overwhelmed, or drive themselves to the cardiologist with worry and stress is that they don’t have a good grip on what they need to be doing
This cycle of inefficiency and ineffectiveness is crazy and stupid — and it’s most people’s lives.
The key to an effective todo list is not the list itself, how it’s organized and managed, but the habit of using, adding to, and reviewing the list.
• Keep a notebook in your back pocket, where you’ll feel it every time you sit down.
• Rubber-band a notebook or stack of index cards to your wallet or pocketbook, so you’ll have to remove it every time you reach for money, a credit card, your ID, a business card, or whatever else you keep in your wallet.
• Use an online todo list like Remember the Milk, Tada, Toodledo, or Todoist and set it as your homepage.
• Embed your online todo list in your desktop (see instructions for XP here [flash video]; you can’t do this in Vista)
• Install a separate browser with your todo list as it’s homepage, and set it to open automatically when you start your computer. Never close it, and never use it for anything else. So if you regularly use Firefox, use IE or Opera or Safari for your todo list and keep it running whenever you’re at your computer.
• Use a reminder system (whether built into your online todo list service, or using a service like Sandy, or using a desktop timer, or setting an alarm on your smartphone) to give you hourly reminders to check your list.
• Place your paper list on your desk in front of you with a pen or pencil while you work.
• Use a sidebar gadget or widget in Windows Vista, Google Desktop, or other desktop widget software. Set it to always be on top.

for the first month or so, set your too list up in a way that it actually disrupts your work, forcing you to pay attention to i
write down everything you need to do
Break large tasks into discrete, doable chunk
. Use categories to organize your list and keep you on target

Use your list as a central repository
• Use categories
• Break projects into small, discrete tasks
• Most Important Tasks (MITs
• Weekly review

Once you’ve developed the habit of using a todo list, though, it becomes almost effortless, like walking or talking — something you just do.

3 Ways To Claim Your Life Back - How To Step Away From Your Computer
Time yourself
Plan specific activities away from your computer
Uninstall and remove unnecessary programs




среда, 2 января 2008 г.

How To Study

Our brains create engrained memories through repetition. The more times we hear, see, or repeat something to ourselves, the more likely we are to remember it.
Create the Right Environment
. For an optimum learning environment, you’ll want to find a nice spot that is fairly peaceful. Some people can’t stand a deafening silence, but you certainly don’t want to study near constant distractions.
Use Acronyms to Remember Information
An acronym is simply an abbreviation formed using the intial letters of a word. These types of memory aids can help you to learn large quantities of information in a short period of time.
Listen to music.
Rewrite your notes.
Engage Your Emotions.
Fortunately, you can use the power of emotion in your own study sessions. Enhance your memory by using your five senses. Don’t just memorize facts. Don’t just see and hear the words in your mind. Create a vivid visual picture of what you are trying to learn.
Make Associations.

Advice for Students: 10 Steps Toward Better Research
1. Schedule! Write up a schedule with a series of milestones to accomplish by a specific date
2. Start, don’t end, with Wikipedia. The goal here is to get a good overview of the subject you’re writing about, and Wikipedia is far better for that than most print sources,
3. Mine bibliographies. . You can usually skim through the bibliography and note down anything whose title sounds relevant to your research.
4. Have a research question in mind
keep focused by working towards an answer to your research question.
5. Deal with one piece at a time
6. Use a system. Start your research with an idea of how you plan to collect and organize your notes and data. make sure that every quote, fact, and thought is tied in some way to its source
7. Know your resources. Spend some time getting to know what resources, both online and offline, your library to offer.
get to know the research material you can access from home
8. Ask for help Most librarians will be happy to help you find relevant material for your project, and some will even locate specific pieces of hard-to-find information for you.
9. Carry an idea book Keep a small notebook and a pen with you everywhere
10. Bring it up to date. Google the major researchers whose work you’ve found and see if you can find their homepages

Advice for Students: How to Write Research Papers that Rock!

Write about something you’re passionate about.
. If you”re an accounting major… change your major. No, just kidding — if your major is accounting and you have to take literature,
Write a strong thesis.

1. Challenge a misconception: Use your paper to challenge the received wisdom, the stuff “everybody knows”. E.g. “Lots of people think [A] but really [not-A]”
2. Find an unlikely connection: Use an idea from science to illuminate a concept in literature, or vice versa. For example: “Neils Bohr’s theory of the structure of the atom provides one way of looking at the relationship between Hamlet and the play’s secondary characters.” The idea here is to find a surprising new way of looking at or thinking about a concept.
3. Rehabilitate a villain. Defend a historical personage or literary character widely assumed to have been “a bad guy”. The biologist Steven Jay Gould was a master of this, writing about people generally portrayed as the enemies of scientific progress — Lamarck, Bishop Usher, Pope Urban VIII — as exemplars of the cutting-edge science of their day. Make your reader take an unfairly (or even fairly) maligned character or person seriously. (Note: I’d avoid using this approach for Hitler; no matter how well you write, it’s unlikely anyone will appreeciate your efforts to make Hitler seem like a good chap.)
4. Reframe a classic work in light of today’s technology, social structure, or culture. What kind of woman would Cinderella or Jane Austen’s Emma be in today’s corporate world? What could Newton or Julius Caesar have done with a MacBook Pro?
5. Reframe today’s world in light of the technological, social, or cultural context of a classic. What would Julius Caesar think of Jack Welch or Bill Gates? What would Johannes Kepler make of string theory? What would Jane Austen think of today’s career woman?

Use yourself as a source. Use your own life experiences to illustrate the points you’re making.
Consult the experts. The Internet makes it possible to directly reach people we’d have never thought possible even a decade ago. Google the leading voice in the field you’re writing about: a professor of chemistry at MIT, a leadership guru, a corporate anthropologist at Intel, and so on — chances are you’ll come across an email address
Choose your audience. Never, ever, write only for your professor. Write as if you were explaining your topic to a friend or family member, or to the President of the United States.

How to study with a full-time job
Split up the reading
Split up you reading into weekly intervals. I recommend doing this as soon as you get your materials.
Rip the shrink wrap off the book and calculate how many days you have and how many pages you must read in order to finish the book. I recommend creating a weekly reading schedule, writing it down, and posting it publicly
There’s nothing more irritating motivating than hearing your loved ones
Maximize your commute
Most adults in the US have a commute of over 20 minutes. I would venture to say that most commutes are closer to an hour each day
! Most textbooks come with an audio CD that never even gets taken out of the package.
Also, if any of your materials come in a digital format (PDF, Word Doc, etc.) you should convert these documents into audio files, and listen to them during your commute.
Sneak it in
Try keeping some review materials on you at all times
— even if it is something as simple as a note card with review concepts on it.
These include waiting in a doctor’s office, walking to the car, waiting at line in the grocery store, waiting to pickup your kids, etc. You might as well leverage these times to study.
cooking dinner, working out, going to the bathroom, etc.. When I was paying attention, I was surprised by how many tasks throughout the day that were perfect for multi-tasking.
Make one sacrifice per day
In order to complete your course you’re going to have to make some sacrifices. I found it more beneficial to sacrifice tasks that only affected me, like watching my favorite TV shows, instead of sacrificing time with my family, friends, and girlfriend.
Create a planned cram
The day (or week) before your exam you’ll likely start to feel rising levels of stress.
clear your head, and give you the opportunity to brush up on some of the material that you may have been brushing off.

Some days will be easier than others. The coursework you’re studying will be difficult, but don’t let the difficult days be representative of the good days





How Not To Suck At Socializing - Do’s & Don’ts
To Do:
Initiate conversation
Enjoy your company
Acknowledge randoms
Dress the part
Converse, don’t rant
Keep eye contact
Keep open body language
Do stuff
The Don’ts:
Sit on your phone
Ignore randoms(random people)
Dwell on smalltalk
Get blind
Judge people \

Most important:Don’t feel like you have to do anything.

Using Compliments To Control Communication

Switch focus.
Demand attention.
Engage networking.
Strengthen connections.
Get your way.Reveal wisdom.

Motivation Tips
Go Back to “Why” - Focusing on a dull task doesn’t make it any more attractive
Go for Five - Start working for five minutes
Move Around - Get your body moving as you would if you were extremely motivated to do something.
Find the Next Step
Find Your Itch - What is keeping you from working.
Deconstruct Your Fears -
Get a Partner - Find someone who will motivate you when you’re feeling lazy
Kickstart Your Day - Plan out tomorrow.
Read Books - Not just self-help or motivational books, but any book that has new ideas.
Get the Right Tools - Your environment can have a profound effect on your enthusiasm
There are No Small Problems - The worst killer of motivation is facing a seemingly small problem that creates endless frustration.
Develop a Mantra - Find a few statements that focus your mind and motivate you.
Build on Success - Success creates success.

Simple Productivity: 10 Ways to Do More by Focusing on the Essentials

Clear your head
Focus on the essential tasks
Eliminate the rest.
Do essential tasks first.
Eliminate distractions.
Use simple tools.
Do one thing at a time.
Find quiet
Make the most of your work.
Simplify some more.

50 Ways To Increase Your Productivity
1. Take a break.
2. Set a timer
3. Eliminate all distractions.
4. Distractions should be avoided, but sometimes a bit of music in the background can help you focus.
5. Love what you do.
6. Complete your most dreaded tasks first thing in the morning
7. Use JDarkRoom. This application allows you to write more efficiently by removing all distractions.
8. Just start
9. Everyone has a certain time of the day in which they are more productive than others.
10. Keep a notebook and pen on hand at all times.
11. Write a blog to chronicle your own personal development and achievements
12. Plan out all of your meals a week ahead and make your grocery list accordingly
13. Step away from the computer
14. Write out a to-list each day.
“Am I currently making the best possible use of my time?” This one simple question can be an excellent boost to your productivity.
16. Get plenty of sleep.
17. Exercise
18. Organize your office
19. Outsource as much as possible. Here are just a few of the companies that will help you outsource your everyday tasks:
• GetFriday
• eLance
• Guru.com
• ScriptLancle
20. Use a Tivo or DVR
21. Turn off the TV
22. Listen to educational audio books
23. Auto pay your bills
24. Read David Allen’s best-selling book Getting Things Done
25. Focus on result-oriented activities
26. Take shorter showers
27. Tell other people about your goals
28. Learn to say “No”.
29. Go on an information diet
30. Find a mentor
By modeling after those who have already achieved success, you will save yourself a lot of time and energy.
31. Write your most important tasks and to-dos on a calendar
32. Set some exciting goals.
33. Learn keyboard shortcuts
34. Get up early before anyone else.
35. Don’t multitask
36. Reward yourself for finishing a big task.
37. Shop online
38. Batch similar tasks
39. Speed up your Internet with a broadband connection.
40. Start a polyphasic sleep schedule.
41. Improve your typing speed to save time.
43. Protect yourself from unnecessary phone time with caller ID.
42. Get rid of time wasters. This includes Instant Messenger, video games, Flickr, checking your stats 10 times a day, television, and extraneous Internet surfing.
44. Work from home and avoid the daily commute
45. Many employers now offer direct deposit.
46. Prioritize your tasks ahead of time
48. Cook your meals in bulk
47. When your reading a book, just read the parts that you need and skip the rest.
49. Learn to speed read
50. Use Windows hibernation feature

6 Rules to Work Less and Get More Accomplished

1) The 80/20 Rule
The 80/20 rule basically suggests that a small amount of inputs contributes to a much larger amount of outputs. Using this rule means to minimize time spent in the unproductive 80%.
In application, you can’t simply cut everything that doesn’t directly contribute to your bottom line. Some things, however trivial, still need to get done. The purpose of 80/20 is to force you to be more ruthless in cutting time in areas that contribute little. Here are a few suggestions:
• Cut e-mail time to invest more in larger projects.
• Say no to people who want commitments that don’t contribute enough value.
• Spend more studying core concepts and key terms than less important details.
2) Parkinson’s Law
Parkinson’s Law states that “work will fill the time available for its completion.” This is a side effect of focusing on doing work instead of getting projects completed. Give yourself strict deadlines and cultivate a desire to finish projects, not just check tasks off on a to-do list.
Here are some applications:
• Set a timer for 90 minutes to finish a small project. When the timer sounds, you can’t continue working on it, so think fast and don’t waste time.
• Chunk mammoth projects into smaller pieces. Strive to complete those pieces, rather than just working on the project aimlessly.
3) Energy Management
Energy management, as opposed to time management, forces you to think of results as a function of energy, not time invested. Working intensely for a short period of time can accomplish more than working for days, tired and distracted.
Working yourself into low energy can actually make you accomplish less than if you rested. Here are some ideas:
• Work in bursts. Divide yourself between complete rest and complete focus. Don’t constantly switch in-between which leaves you neither rested or productive.
• Kill projects. Don’t spread tasks that only take a few hours over several days. Sit down and finish them in one sitting. This method of killing projects keeps your energies focused and time saved.
• Rest, health and fun matter. Enslaving yourself to your work can actually accomplish less. Master the ability to recharge yourself when you need it.
4) Only Use Sharp Tools
There’s an old story of two lumberjacks in a tree-cutting contest. The first picked up a rusty axe and ran into the woods immediately to start chopping trees. The second spent almost until the end of the contest sharpening his axe. After which he walked up and quickly felled the biggest tree.
The moral? Don’t use rusty tools.
Don’t waste your time doing things you don’t intend to be excellent at. Delegate them to someone who does have a sharp tool. And for the things you do want to master, make it a priority to sharpen your tool beyond what is necessary to cut. Skill saves time.
5) Rule With Numbers

Assumptions are the biggest waste of your time. When your intuitions about the world don’t match the way it works, you can never be efficient. The only way to combat false assumptions is to test them and follow them up with numbers. The results of a test can save you hundreds of hours if it shows a current process has no impact or suggests a faster alternative.
Here are a few examples:
• A/B Tests - Test out two different methods simultaneously. This can allow you to know with greater accuracy which method works best.
• Track Numbers - Don’t just weigh yourself or count calories, track them. See how they go up, down or change over time.
6) The Marginal Rule of Quality
Is it better to be a perfectionist or sloppy? One can never get a project finished the other requires constant repair because they waste too much time. I think the answer is simpler: when the extra input you invest exceeds the output gained, stop working on it.
An even better extension of this rule would be to say you should stop working on a project when the extra input invested gives less output than doing a comparable task. Here are some applications to try:
• Measure the difference between different amounts of time spent. Try doing your e-mail for 30, 60 and 90 minutes per day. Compare the effectiveness changes when you change the amount of time. Can you really justify spending two hours doing e-mail?
• Compare the amount of time spent polishing with time needed for repairs. If it takes more time to polish than repair, you’re better of quitting early. If repairs are draining your time and polishing is fast, slow down and be careful.




Listening to: foobar2000 v0.9.4.5
via FoxyTunes

вторник, 1 января 2008 г.

continue success in 2008 first posts

Success recipes most people know, but too few follow
Don’t chase money, power, or status.
Take whatever time you need to discover what matters to you most
Don’t base your choices on others’ approval.
Stay authentic
Go for meaning over money every time.
Be endlessly greedy—for learning.
Make a friend of failure.
Make sure that every time you make a mistake, it’s a new one.
Choose to spend your time with the right people.
Drop whatever is inconsistent with these principles.

10 Reasons You Aren’t Achieving Success

You don’t have a goal.
You don’t have a vision
You don’t have a plan.
You’re too certain.
You’re not certain enough.
You don’t learn from your mistakes.
You reject outside influences.
You worry about being copied.
You use up your reserves.
You fear success.

To Be Motivated and Successful, First Forget How You Feel
Emotions are like the weather
Too much emphasis on emotion leaves you more or less helpless to influence your life.
The only important facet of our emotions is whether we choose to act on them.
Spend time on what works

10 virtually instant ways to improve your life
Stop jumping to conclusions.
Don’t dramatize.
Don’t invent rules.
Avoid stereotyping or labeling people or situations.
Quit being a perfectionist.
Don’t over-generalize.
Don’t take things so personally.
Don’t assume your emotions are trustworthy.
Don’t let life get you down. Keep practicing being optimistic.
Don’t hang on to the past. This is my most important suggestion of all: let go and move on.

What Should I Invest In?


What Are My Results?
You need to have access to feedback from every area of your life.
This means your health, business, finances, career, relationships and learning all need a yardstick to see how you’re doing.

What Mistakes Am I Making Frequently?
learn a persons frequent mistakes then their biggest mistakes. Big mistakes may not happen again and the lessons are usually burned into you.
Frequent mistakes, are what you really need to watch out for.

What Do I Need To Stop?
Pick the weakest investments your making and periodically stop some of them. Unless you can free up time for new pursuits, you will be stuck in the same routine.

What Extra Can I Invest?
Becoming over-motivated and trying to take on too much at once can lead to a nervous breakdown. Taking on too little and your spare time gets filled with boring junk. Make your best estimate of the extra time you have available.

10 simple ways to save yourself from messing up your life
Stop taking so much notice of how you feel.
Let go of worrying. It often makes things worse.
Ease up on the internal life commentary.
Take no notice of your inner critic.
Give up on feeling guilty.
Stop being concerned what the rest of the world says about you.
Stop keeping score.
Don’t be concerned that your life and career aren’t working out the way you planned.
Don’t let others use you to avoid being responsible for their own decisions.
Don’t worry about about your personality. You don’t really have one.

10 MORE ways to create a breakthrough in your life.

Slow down. Give yourself time and space. Never be in more of a hurry than you have to be
When you think you’ve gone absolutely as far as you can, keep going. You’ve just reached the starting point.
Take your mind and thinking on trips away. Deliberately step outside your comfort zone. See what you can find. You may come back a changed person.
Listen. Listen to everyone you can. Really listen.
Delight in metaphors and analogies. Every object or idea can stand for something else, or suggest an unexpected link
Run away from any kind of dogma. Dogma is the product of a closed mind. It’s an idea with a threat attached
Never aspire to be fashionable. Fashion is the foolish imitating the arrogant.
Stand on the shoulders of those who went before you. You’ll see so much better and farther. Never imitate the past.
If it’s habitual, consider dumping it. Habits are the iron bands that hold you in your current ways of thinking and behaving.
Begin anywhere.




Listening to: Òàíöû Ìèíóñ - [The Best #14] Òû äàëåêî [foobar2000 v0.9.4.5]
via FoxyTunes