1) LeaderTask
LeaderTask 5.5 - "LeaderTask - органайзер деятельности человека обладающий интеллектуальной системой управления проектами, финансами, задачами, контактами, событиями. LeaderTask освободит вас от рутины и даст больше времени для творчества!
LeaderTask – это необычная в своем роде программа, эта программа целью который является помочь/подсказать/организовать человека при решении его жизненных задач. LeaderTask возьмет на себя всю рутину, оставив человеку только творчество и больше свободного времени! LeaderTask – будет вашим верным помощником, тренером, секретарем и просто другом!
Эта программа создана, чтобы сделать жизнь интересней! В ней есть все, чтобы чувствовать себя свободным. Она для тех, кто хочет идти своей дорогой, распоряжаться своим временем и достигать своих целей! Будь свободен от обстоятельств и случайностей – используй органайзер нового поколения LeaderTask!
Наш Органайзер поможет вам избавиться от различных поглотителей времени, поможет вам увидеть четкую перспективу жизни, иметь подробный обзор дел, задач, вы будете ставить более высокие цели и достигать их. Планировать и выполнять. Думать и находить решения. Измерять и управлять любыми ресурсами вашей жизни.
В программе реализованы новаторские идеи в области управления временем и информацией, а также уникальные готовые решения по повышению эффективности расходования времени человека!
LeaderTask - это электронный помощник, который поможет Вам навести порядок в организации и управлении Вашего времени! Кроме того LeaderTask - это еще и удобный менеджер
Rock is a free software application for collecting and processing your thoughts following the GTD methodology. It is simple and easy to use - see our demos and manual.
A lot of our mental energy is directed towards trying to remember and manage all the things that we want or need to do. Thinking Rock will allow you to clear your mind so that you can become more proactive and concentrate on what is important to you.
Thinking Rock allows you to collect your thoughts and process them into actions, projects, reference items or someday/maybe items. Actions can be done by you, delegated to someone else or scheduled for a particular date. Projects can be organised with ordered actions and sub-projects. You can review all of your actions, projects and other information quickly and easily to see what you need to do or to choose what you want to do at a particular time.
Why we recommend Thinking Rock:
Multi-platform: use it at home and at work, written in Java thus run on Linux, Macintosh, or Windows (see platform requirements). The data file is separate so you can transfer the small data file between computers using an USB key or email;
User Feedback and User reviews. Very good feedback from users: it changed their life, allowed them to at last implement GTD, best GTD tool they found, etc. On average there are 300 downloads a day but at the beginning of 2008, we had 500 downloads a day - must be the new year resolution of many people! (see the stats on SourceForge);
Future: more functionality to be implemented based on users suggestions and our own ideas;
Project Structure: unlike many task management applications, Thinking Rock lets you group your actions in projects and sub-projects. Two views are available to display your tasks: a project tree or a list of actions. Even auto-sequencing!
Stop procrastination: it gets you moving on your thoughts by encouraging you to think of the next physical action to do;
Manual and screen help provided;
Free customer support through our forum or email (use contact page);
It's free.
Powerful Features
Flexible Task Management
OmniFocus works great as a Getting Things Done® trusted system but can also be used to fit other task management styles. You can add or hide features such as start and due dates, time estimates and task recurrence based on how you manage your tasks. With the Perspectives feature you can easily restore customizations with the click of a button.
Capture Tasks Anywhere
No more switching between applications. Make tasks whenever you think of them, from any application. Receive an email that needs to become a task? Send it to your inbox with just a few quick keystrokes. Do the same from your web browser, Finder, and most other applications on OS X.
Data Safe: Trust Your System
You need to trust that the data you put into your task management system will be safe and always accessible. OmniFocus has been engineered with best-of-breed data integrity technology that is both blazingly fast and super reliable.
Save Time with SmartMatch
No more guessing at what you named your projects or contexts. No more hunting through tiny calendars when all you want is to set your due date to “next week”. We’ve built in lots of clever thinking that will save you time by allowing you to enter just a few key strokes that then match your projects, tasks, contexts, and dates quickly and intuitively.
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