пятница, 23 мая 2008 г.

7 Ways To Have The Greatest Day of Your Life

Decide that fine is bad.
The point is to decide what's fine for you and do everything in your mind to exceed this level.
Relationship with self. Become aware of everything that had to happen in the universe in order to put your here right now.
Upgrade yourself. Become conscious and aware of your skills, talents, and character traits.

Create huge possibilities.
Love your hardest. Love with more energy and passion than you have ever loved before.
Positive self-talk. Be optimistic in the way that you talk to yourself.
Be God-like. Religion aside, think practically.

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если вы будите здоровы, то вы сможете стать богаты, узнать еще больше всего и тд
но если будите больно, то вряд ли

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